Most image retrieval works aim at learning discriminative visual features, while little attention is paid to the retrieval efficiency. The speed of feature extraction is key to the real-world syste...
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Z. Zeng, Z. Li, D. Cheng, H. Zhang, K. Zhan and Y. Yang, "Two-Stream Multirate Recurrent Neural Network for Video-Based Pedestrian Reidentification," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vo QR code is an important means for delivering information which has been widely used in our daily life. As an ISO international standard, the QR code encoding and decoding process are disclosed publ... Wang, et al. "Robust Dimension Reduction for Clustering With Local Adaptive Learning." IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2019). Zeng, Z. , et al. "Local adaptive learning for semi-supervised feature selection with group sparsity." Knowledge-Based Systems 181(2019):104787 Li W , Chen Y , Song Y . Boosted K-nearest neighbor classifiers based on fuzzy granules[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020, 195(2):105606.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics ( Volume: 16, Issue: 4, April 2020) |